graphic musical notation

some examples of compositions in graphic notation:

cantiga/singalong is one of the three parts of a piece called φονή[foné] – musical studies involving graphic, phonetic and melodic notation, to create open form choral music

krazy-poprock kummon – is a noisy-groovy graphic score for a composed improvisation, inspired in the rocky (or better, bricky) adventures of Krazy Kat and in a swinging exiled London song by Gilberto Gil (Crazy Pop Rock)

tuba raum – is an shark shaped open form (yet in traditional western notation) music for tuba and any treble instrument

música das esferas – (spheres music) is a graphic score without performance instructions, inspired on the ancient concept of musica mundana and also in the archetype of yoruba divinity Èṣù (the name originally means sphere). This is the dark version of the score, which can be found in its light version on this link, where you can also hear a recorded version of it