
Here i list some of my written (or sometimes drawn) musical compositions

there are links to pdfs of some scores and/or audios/videos of performances on the titles


Tuba Raum is an open form semi-graphic score for tuba and any treble instrument. Meant to be very easy to play, the piece employs extended techniques for tuba. The game displayed in the 69-shaped-sharks score (seen above) is played according to instructions given in text score.

Çapeka  is a piece for beginner musicians ensenble: choir, synth, strings and recording. Comissioned by my friend and fantastic composer Paulo Rios Filho for his students Ensemble.

Sarapatuba – is written for a quartet of wagnertubas, a rare instrument created under Richard Wagner’s request to fulfill a gap in the instrumental color of the brass section. The piece uses (mostly) cut-offs of wagnertuba parts from pieces written by composers like Wagner himself, Richard Strauss, Anton Bruckner etc. There are also some statements from Nietzsche’s “Contra Wagner” to be read out loud by the musicians during the performance.


Schizo-Scherzo is a piece for split orchestra, i mean: the orchestra is split in two parts (strings and winds) with two conductors, one for each section. This video is the première – and only performance so far – with legendary maestro Piero Bastianelli, conducting the winds and myself trying to follow the strings… 

Schizo-Scherzo is, like its name suggests, a scherzo (or better, a joking play) schizo- (cut in two, like in : schizo-phrenic, etc…). Piero asked me if i didn’t mean to spell schizzo, with double z (“sketch”, in italian)… well, maybe i could agree. But the whole idea is two simultaneous different music being played at the same time, merging into one music for the whole orchestra at some points, getting split again and so on.


The piece was composed for the Hans Joachim Koellreutter’s centenary celebration concert and was inspired (as proposed by the organization of the concert), in his piece called “Oito Haikais de Pedro Xisto” (“Eight Haikus by Pedro Xisto”). So, the title of the piece could be translated as “9 (IX) haiku (HK) from Xisto (X) and Koellreutter (K)”.

You can listen to the premiere performance of the piece on this article, where the full score can be also seen and dowloaded. There is also a simple text about the creative process, formal and aesthetical aspects of the piece.